Thursday, April 22, 2010


In this crazy world, many things can happen, and you can think many things that are real, are not. Recently, I was at MI-VI, Gerry Kelly's premiere hot spot at Gulfstream park. The night was set to have many celebrity guests, and much action as a usual Saturday night would have at MI-VI. With that said, I made sure batteries, business cards, and the winning Shiggaion smile were ready. I arrived, and already much action was already afoot. I greeted my friends who I have grown accustomed to seeing on the weekends, told a joke or two, and reported to Gerry, as my quasi photographer handler told me to do. Gerry Kelly in his usual English manner said hello, and reinforced the idea of being alert as many celebrities were slated to show. I told him I will be on his heels, and that I was ready for a good night.

Don Alcime, who was also set for his Playtime Magazine launching was the first to arrive. He showed with man power, as he had about ten of his male employees with him draped in black t-shirts, and armed with copies of their magazine. Immediately cameras from other photographers started to flash, and I just waited. Gerry Kelly pulled Don aside, and introduced me as his photographer, and also told him to stand in front of the MI-VI red carpet area so that I could capture some shots to put on the club website. Pictures were snapped, and Gerry Kelly, Don Alcime and crew, and myself walked into MI-VI to one of the VIP sections designated for Don, and proceeded to take a few more pictures.

The next to arrive this particular night was Sir Richard Branson, or so it was told to me, and I believed. With Sir Richard as I will call him for right now, there was an entourage of beautiful, tall, women who dressed very chic. Gerry Kelly greeted who seemed to be his friend and Sir Richards date for the night. Gerry lead the group in front of the red carpet area, and pictures were taken. I thought to myself, "wow, this is huge...the rebel billionaire is here, and I have the opportunity to snap his pictures, this is too cool!" As we wrapped up the red carpet shooting, we were whisked inside by a doorman, and led to the VIP section ordained for Sir Richard. This night Gerry was going to be partying in Sir Richards VIP section, and nothing would change that. I also was going to be partying in Sir Richards VIP area, and nothing would dissuade me. For a good 45 minutes jokes were told, pictures were snapped, delicious cake was eaten, and quality vodka was consumed. Before the night was over, I made sure to get a picture taken with Sir Richard, as I never want to miss an opportunity to take a picture with a celebrity. He obliged, and the picture above is the result.

The night wore on, and the hour got late. I wrapped up my time at MI-VI by saying my rounds of goodbyes to my favourite bartender, Les, several promoters, doormen, and random people that decided I was there friend that night. I went home excited about my picture with Sir Richard Branson, and posted the picture right away on my facebook. Within five minutes, my make up artist Nikki Oxley chimed in on my chat screen and said, "who is that you have a picture with?" Me thinking that since she is from the U.K., should already know who that is said," Your country man, Sir Richard Branson." All that I saw was lol, because my friend, and make up artist, thought my picture was hillarious. She said,"mate, that looks nothing like the real Sir Richard, I would know because three weeks ago, I was at a benefit he was at. You have to take it off your facebook, because other people will know that is not the real one." Consequently, I laughed, got peeved, and took the picture down after analyzing pictures of the real Sir Richard Branson.

So from this picture, what do you think about this Sir Richard Branson,? Is he the real deal, or is he some wanker posing as the rebel billionaire? Leave your answer or comment below. Remember, you can always see my portfolio, and the latest pictures of events in the South Florida area at
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